Give your restaurant or food business marketing a boost with a dynamic eblast to our 30,000+ opt-in email database! Let Long Beach Food & Beverage help get the word out for you! In 10 years we’ve collected Long Beach food loving subscribers that include influencers, VIPs, opinion leaders and just regular foodies. Two options are available:
$95 Co-op eBlast is limited to only 12 businesses and includes one social media post. Complete the applicable form below and submit payment by the 20th of the month prior to your promotion or special to be included. The eblast will be distributed the last week of every month.
$495 Dedicated eBlast guarantees your promo or special the ONLY one included in the blast! You call the date to be distributed. One week notice is required. Includes two social media posts and media pitch if your content is relevant to reporters (press coverage is not guaranteed). Complete the applicable form below and submit payment one week prior to your requested blast date.